

Disturbed Holdings
Name Disturbed Holdings
Ticker DGSH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98352492

Members [0]


Alliance Exec
Becki Ambramotte

Are you a new bro looking to get your feet wet in the exciting world of Eve Online ? Or perhaps you're a jaded bittervet that is sick of listening to nullbears whine about AFK cloakers? Either way we welcome your interest! You can link up with our knowledgeable player base and learn everything eve has to offer.

This is a golden oppurtunity for you:

- If you hate whiners who don't defend their ships.
- If you want to make connections with people in all parts and professions of eve.
- If you have an ironic sense of humor.
- If you prefer fun per hour over isk per hour.
- If you have a working mic and headphones
- If you have given us a full API.

- Be part of an organization in High Sec
- Meet respectable people from within our contacts
- Join a fun, hilarious, and friendly group.
- Get trained in the Art of war within Eve Online

What we are :

We are a vetting corp that will help you to make those relationships that our sponsors worked so hard to attain and continually maintain. We are a PvP training corp, and a recruitment Alliance. There's no passive aggression here

- we don’t care about your fragile psyche. You screw up you will be told about it and taught how to make terrible mistakes again. This is how you get better.

If you are interested in joining with your Coporation please Contact Becki Ambramotte by mail or in our Publie Chat. Disturbed Hero Public.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-03-11 08:58:05
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