

M.I.P. Development Firm
Name M.I.P. Development Firm
Ticker MIP-E
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 50%
corporationID 98353889

Members [0]


We are a carebear corp, we have no interest in PvP so you may as well look elsewhere for that, sorry.

We do Missions, Research, Mine(who doesn't), DED Combat sites(Expeditions if we're lucky enough) & we enjoy trolling people so hard they don't realize we're screwing with them.

When war strikes we splinter off into our respective NPC corporations until the dec falls and then rejoin when the deccer's get bored. We enjoy making retarded seals waste money.

If your looking for a place to stay and just have fun without having to deal with cockwombles then this might be the home you've been looking for. Unless one of us is the cockwomble, then I guess you're kinda screwed.

Tax 5%, we occasionally set the tax to 50% generate revenue for the corp wallet to pay for office rentals. It's a 1 day deal though.

No minimum SP requirement, seriously who gives a damn.

No API required either, there are no corp assets to be stolen and we don't have any corp towers. Individual players can have their own tower(s) if they can afford it however. (I suggest making a password for the bubble if you want to keep other people out of it though.)

I'll pay for a TS3 server when the corp roster hits 20 people, otherwise Skype, Raidcall or Dolby Axon.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-12-28 09:11:25
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API J:31 Jan 04:34 K:31 Jan 04:30 C:31 Jan 04:00 A:31 Jan 05:25 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:31 Jan 05:14 S:31 Jan 05:16 W:31 Jan 05:15