

AGM Incorporated
Name AGM Incorporated
Ticker AGM I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 8.5%
corporationID 98358514

Members [0]


☜☆☞ AGM-Incorporated has the following ☜☆☞
-SOV SPACE with daily Alliance fleets including small gang Up to Blob sized fleets.
-PVP training with our experienced Alliance FC’s.
-Excellent ratting and mining space for industry.
-Corp buy backs on ores and PI to save you having to ship around yourself
-Fully stocked Market with all usual Mods/ships at reduced rates
-An entire region for exploration
-Mumble and Jabber chat with corp and alliance forums full of up-to-the-minute info and tips.
-Extensive ship replacement program featuring a easy to use web interface that's integrated into the forums.
-And many many more things!!

Are you high-sec player interested in getting into 0.0? We can teach you how to fight and defend yourself. All the while helping defend your home and making a bucket load of ISK
You a PvP player? plenty of Pew Pew either with Fozzy Sov or a bridge out into red space. chances to become an FC and fly your own fleet of 100+ pilots

New or old all pilots welcome!!
Visit AGM-I Recruitment channel to see if you qualify.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-06-17 08:36:48
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