

The Valoran Trade Federation
Name The Valoran Trade Federation
Ticker TVTF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98378401

Members [0]


We operate under the NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot) Policy.

The Valorians, were on a colony ship named the Valora after the New Eden Gate Closed. They scrambled terrified of what was going to happen and feared anarchy was going to ensue. So they went out far into the deep reaches of space and found themselves a new home. For thousands of years they lived on this planet they named Vox. Wars over resources and territory played out in those years but they began to evolve past the need for war. The Valorans were highly cultured thats what ended up supporting their economies. They grew and flourished. They started building ships and advancing towards the stars when one day. A ship the size of their tiny rock moon came into their orbit. The ship began to fire its weapons upon their peaceful planet. Those who survived the initial bombing quickly got into their primitive ships and flew away as fast as they could. They were moving so slow in comparison to the ship that was destroying their world and now was intercepting the survivors. Panic overtook the Valorians. Out of no where came another ship and started firing on the ship that was desecrating thier world and intercepting them. The ship that was bombing the planet was destroyed, the other ship intercepted us. It was the Gallante Federation. They took the survivors to one of their worlds and set them up with cloning technology and ships with warp drives. The Valorans found themselves in desperate need of money to survive. So they took to mining, industry and science as a way to further themselves along. They came to understand that there would always be opposition present so they also took to combat ships to protect themselves and named themselves The Valoran Trade Federation. The Valorans were still a peaceful presence as they had held onto their culture but now they are making thier mark on the stars and are ready to defend themselves and to make sure that what once happened never happened again.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-11-07 10:47:17
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