

The Legitimate Theology Council
Name The Legitimate Theology Council
Ticker RTLTC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98385649

Members [0]


The True Faith of Amarr, in exile.

"It is with a heavy heart I declare that I now sever all ties with the agents and corporations of the Usurper Empress Jamyl Sarum. It has been revealed to me that all the declared Emperors since the so-called "Moral Reform" have been traitors to God."

"For this betrayal His favor has been withdrawn from the Amarr people, as is evident from the False Empire's loss of Vak'Atioth, its failure to reclaim the people of Mataar, and its feeble prosecution of the current "Crusade""

"I call upon all righteous servants of the true God to join me in leaving sinful False Amarrian space behind to protect the newly restored Legitimate Theology Council until the day we will reclaim Amarr for the true God,"

"The will of God demands we kill the Traitor Empress, and exterminate the imposter royal families of Sarum, Kor-Azor and Kador. Sympathetic elements within the Gallente Federation among others have agreed to provide resources to aid us in our struggle."

"Join us or be eternally damned." -Algol Thoth, Defender of the True Faith

<decryptedfluidrtrAO>/"look 'Lieutenant' Thoth, I don't know why you betrayed your zealot friends and frankly none of us care. The simple fact is that further payment is contingent solely upon your organization's ability to a) destabilize and discredit the Amarr Imperium with whatever limited capacity you have b) sow distrust between the royal houses and c) Organize a suitable "democratic" government-in-exile that may be required should circumstances in the contested zones prove favorable. So far I have to say, none of us are impressed with the results of our investment in you so far.\<enddecryptfluidrtrAO>

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-06-12 21:10:12
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