

Warriors Gaming Corporation
Name Warriors Gaming Corporation
Ticker -WG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98386893

Members [0]


Warriors Gaming Corporation is based in Catch (0.0) and is a member of I N F A M O U S.

For newer players, the corporation offers high sec training based in Rens

The corporation offers:

-monthly salary for active members
-regular corp operations (mining, ratting, PVP..)
-alliance & coalition PVP and PVE fleets
-PVP Ship Reimbursement (based on corp assets availability)
-free equipment/ammunition (based on corp assets availability)
-personal gaming email


real life comes before a game, however, members need

a) Activity, dedication, commitment to Eve Online
b) Activity on forums and on GameVox (voice communication)
c) All members must move to Catch. Exact location will be provided
d) 2.5 million SP minimum

The corporation rules are located here

All professions welcome and needed.

How to Join

There are 3 simple steps for joining:

1. submit in game application

2. Register on our website and provide your Eve Online ID/API

3. Come on comms for a quick chat and introduction to Warriors Gaming Corporation

For security purposes, all pilots must provide their full API.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-08-19 10:19:49
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API J:20 Mar 22:41 K:20 Mar 22:36 C:20 Mar 23:17 A:20 Mar 23:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:20 Mar 23:05 S:20 Mar 22:41 W:20 Mar 23:15