

Chemical Frontiers
Name Chemical Frontiers
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98389411

Members [0]


"Chemicals... The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of a contraband group. It's mission, to explore strange new substances, to seek out new highs and dank frags, to boldly take what no man has taken before!"

We are Chemical Frontiers a newbro friendly PvP corp that rates every member an equal.

CFRMTS is a laid back multi-activity corporation, being in Faction Warfare we have an abundant and easy-access source of income, Mining however is restricted to out of corporation alts, for your safety as being in Faction Warfare means being in a permanent wardec, we have a 0% tax rate as we would rather not tax our members for playing the game.

The corporation prefers to operate in our lowsec home in The Citadel region but we will frequently deploy to other areas of space to find more fun and content for our members.

We do not have a skillpoint requirement, all we ask is that our new members complete the ingame career agents before joining us, the basic info about eve that these mission agents provide will serve to prepare you for a more advanced teaching of how to enjoy EVE at its best.

We have both Discord & Teamspeak, these are required, playing EVE without voice comms isn't much fun and limits what we can do as a corporation.

Although we are an English/American corporation we don't mind trying to accomodate other languages, cultures & timezones.

We offer free basic ships to all our members as well as discounted fleet ships when we have strategic objectives to fulfil, this paired with our Jump Freighter service will ensure you never need to visit a market hub again!

You can contact us via our public channel here: Chemical Frontiers Public or you can contact a recruiter directly:
- Zanthr
- 3nders 3cho

We look forward to seeing you space! Fly Safe!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-10-03 09:12:50
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