

Soldiers Without Boarders.
Name Soldiers Without Boarders.
Ticker MSF0
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98390921

Members [0]


- Army for higher -
Commander - yrow Paradex.
Head of Logistics - RYUTENSIE DOGGASUS.

We are willing to barter our services for supplies (Ships,Weapons,Ammunition, ect,) if isk is an issue.
Willing to operate anywhere.
Willing to use any tactics.
The mission will be accomplished.
- Recruitment -
We are open for all pilots there is a place for everyone.
- Full Account API Key.(
- Short interview to see where you fit.
- Able to be on comms(TeamSpeak 3).
- Willing to learn and follow orders.
- Understand that you are joining a military army there will be war decs.
We will Forsake our Factions.
We will leave our motherlands behind us and become one with this Universe.
We have no nation no philosophy no ideology.
We go where we're needed.
Fighting not for country not for government but for ourselves.
We need no reason to fight we fight because we are needed.
We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse.
We are soldiers without boarders.
Our purpose defined by the era we live in.
We will sometimes have to sell ourselves and services.
If the times demand it we will be revolutionarys criminals even terrorists.
And yes we may be all headed straight to hell.
But what better place for us then this.
This is our only home our heaven and our hell.
This is our outer heaven.
- Big Boss (Snake).

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-05-20 10:14:39
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