

TLC Thunder and Lightning Corporation
Name TLC Thunder and Lightning Corporation
Ticker TLCTA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98391722

Members [0]


We are primarily a Moving, Mining and Industry Corporation, though we still do missions. We are taking a different tack to the game of EVE Online in that we are neutral to other corporations. We are here to have FUN. We have a no-shoot policy vs fellow corp players. We have a core of experienced players and look forward to helping the next generation.

We welcome all players and experience levels. Please feel free to contact us for any questions you might have. Feel free to Join the "TLCTA Recruiting" channel to talk, or mail us.

CEO and Director is Taseah.
USA Director is Tase Ahashion.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-09-14 08:01:50
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