

Withered Empire
Name Withered Empire
Ticker LEAF3
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98397698

Members [0]


The Withered Empire has been founded in response to the abuses of Concord and its allowence of acts of aggression against law abiding citizens of the Empires.

It is also founded to combat the religious tyranny of the Amarrian Empire that allows persecution for different faiths and promotes human slavery.

To further both ends the Withered Empire has allied itself with the Amarr Separatist Alliance. We formally declare CONCORD to be a Pirate Corporation and no longer recognize their authority to police matters of Empire. We also recognize the Articles of Secession as put forth by the ASA and will work toward the goal of creating a Sixth Empire built around a free Amarr Republic. This new Empire will be built, maintained and run by free Capsuleers.

The three leaves on our corporate logo symbolize Tyranny, Fear, and Repression as they choke the lifeblood from New Eden. It is the duty of every law abiding citizen to bear arms against the established order and ensure these leaves wither on the vine. One day the leaves will symbolize Freedom, Justice and Hope. Until that day....Withered Empire.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-06-25 08:18:25
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