

1st Auxiliary Fleet
Name 1st Auxiliary Fleet
Ticker 1AF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98399184

Members [0]


We are a new founded corp that is planning to make our move to Providence to create a home for ourselves and assist CVA in their daily goals in any way we can:

Recruitment Status:
Applications Currently Accepted

*Note ALL rules are enforced to the maximum, breach of these rules will result in booting or Heavy fines and reprisals*

*NRDS (Not red dont shoot)

*No form of piracy/greifing allowed, including extracting ransoms

*Disrespecting CVA or her allies in anyway

**This list is no exhustive, just use your head and think before you blink

What we offer:

*Expirienced leadership

*Fleets both PVE/PVP

*Ship replacement programs (At current tech 1 frigate hulls useful for PVP replacement)

*Skillbooks for New Players

*No SP requirement, althouth below 5 million we will keep you in highsec until we feel you are ready for Null Sec

*Dedicated players to help each other develop in the game

And much more

So give us a shout if you wish to join today
Also be prepared to submit a full API to us, this is non-negotiable and not handing one over will result in the convo ending immediately

Tau Fightmaster

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-01-23 20:32:53
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API J:22 Feb 13:57 K:22 Feb 13:43 C:22 Feb 14:00 A:22 Feb 14:38 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 14:28 S:22 Feb 14:34 W:22 Feb 14:13