

Awox Inc
Name Awox Inc
Ticker WAXD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98399596

Members [0]


Looking to build our Alliance! Quantum Solis

Our Corp Requirements:
- You are Drama Free
- You have a Real Life (EVE is for fun not a 2nd job)
- You have at least 1 million SP
- You are not on a Trial Account
- You are willing to submit a Full Non-Expiring API Key

If you agree and meet the above requirements.

Things we offer:
- Mission Ops
- Incursion Ops
- Mining Ops
- PvP Ops
- Voice Communication

Things to come:
- Ship Replacement
- Cap Fleet Ops
- C5/C4 Wormhole Home
- Citadel Acess

Our goal is to be a self sustaining Wormhole Entity, one that does not need out side influence to be functional. If you are wanting to join us in hopes of one day owning Sovereignty, you are out of luck

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-10-22 11:27:36
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API J:07 Feb 13:34 K:07 Feb 13:31 C:07 Feb 12:01 A:07 Feb 13:54 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:07 Feb 13:46 S:07 Feb 13:22 W:07 Feb 13:15