

Toilet Pushers
Name Toilet Pushers
Ticker PUSHH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98402308

Members [0]


You're a worthless motherfucker.
From: Argyle Henderson
Sent: 2015.02.27 18:00

So you got me booted out of my mining corp. congrads. Job well done.
Now you should know i only paid for a 3 month subscription of Eve.
This game sucks. I don't like it. I don't like the worthless ass punk bitches like you and your corp who play it. Y'all some punk motherfuckers. I had planned on quiting this game as soon as my sub was up. But now i have a whole new mission, I'm comming for you and every fucking memeber of your shity corp. when ever you undock i will be there to bump you. When ever you line up on a gate to camp a war target i'm fucking bumping you. When you're sitting on the toilet in your moms basement taking a shit, drinking red bull, and jacking off to the lady's underwear section fo the fucking Sears catalog.....i'll be there to fucking bump you off that too.
i'm going to contenue to do so untill you fucking quit or untill i just get board with anoying you fucks. Oh and one more thing. I took all this rather personally. So i'm taking a coule hundred bucks and putting it in plex. Since you guys like to war deck defensless miners so much,.....i'm going to hire a few large lvl corps to war deck you out of existance. I'm sure 10-20 billion isk will do. You sons a bitches won't even be able to so much as fart without getting blow into bits.
Ya know it takes a lot of courage to war dec a mining corp. why don't you fuckwads grow a pair and war dec Deadly Fingertips or some other serious pvp corp. naaaa that'd be too hard you ppl are all just a bunch of pussy's.

In closing have a nice death, BUMP into you soon. ;-)
Kiss my fucking ass.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-03-31 08:40:05
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