

Name Ribellione
Ticker RIBEL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 11%
corporationID 98402743

Members [0]


A long time ago, our ancestors were driven from their home in Isikesu by the reverberation project. To escape, they fled through cracks in space that launched them lightyears away into the shadows of w-space.

Generations past until our numbers were widdled to a small band of survivors. We, the children of the shade, were taken in by Sleepers and taught their ways; until one day, a Tempest appeared on D-scan.

Warping on grid, we did what the sleepers had taught us, and lazily shifted about aimlessly. But it was no use, as the artillery cut us down. Our leader, Speranza Staletta was saved by avbsense;a result of being banished for romantic tensions between her and the sleeper chief's daughter.

Speranza found us scattered around the wormholes and showed us the way to K-space. Now we, the children of the shade, must uphold the sleeper's culture in their memory.
<3 Miss You xj-9

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-10-09 08:02:12
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