

Black Ronin Incorporated
Name Black Ronin Incorporated
Ticker BR1.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98405331

Members [0]


A corporation that is said to have sprung from the Neo-Bushido movement in YC114. Whereas the ancient moral code of Bushido stressed the concept of chivalry, the Neo-Bushido movement aimed for a more “realistic approach” in response to the brutality of modern day warfare and survival in New Eden. Labeled as pirates by the Directive Enforcement Department branch of CONCORD due to their questionable methods when interacting with law abiding citizens of New Eden, they still proclaimed to be honorable space combatants who adhered to the concepts of martial arts mastery, honor unto death and always honored ransoms.

Their view on space combat is also said to be highly influenced by the Dogme 13 Manifesto. The Dogme 13 Manifesto was created in YC113 by the prolific frigate duelist Silvan Terror. These were rules to apply when engaging in so called “honorable space combat” in frigates to ensure that the combatants skills was what was being tested and not, as Terror famously stated, “the size of their wallets”. According to Molden Heath Times reporter Aria Vinterberg, the manifesto was first used when Silvan Terror engaged in solo combat with the CONCORD officer Arbus Dennan in early YC114. After losing in a bare knuckle fist fight against Terror in a renowned bar in Heild, the officer challenged Terror to a space duel to which the duelist had replied “I invoke Dogme 13 you scum!” The CONCORD officer is said to have lost his ship in the duel and the body was never found. Other sources claim that the officer’s pod managed to escape and that he now only flies Falcons due to taking an autocannon bullet to the knee. The Dogme 13 Manifesto was in no way revolutionary or new, but rather a collection of old ideas put together. Rule number six is for instance an idea directly quoted from the famous pirate and intergalactic poet Miura Bull. The rules are as follows:

ECM is forbidden
Pirate implants are forbidden
Booster alts are not allowed
Warp core stabalizers are for farmers, not combatants
Drugs and other intoxicants are recommended for a more pleasurable experience
Fuck Falcons!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-10-14 08:02:14
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