

Edgeworld Mining and Manufacturing
Name Edgeworld Mining and Manufacturing
Ticker -EMM-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 8.5%
corporationID 98407078

Members [0]


Edgeworld focuses on mining and manufacturing operations in Deep Wormhole space. Our aim is to provide fairly priced goods for capsuleers in remote regions of space to encourage further growth. Our offical headquarters is in Rens, but our alliance is based out of a C4 class wormhole, so we have null and wormhole operations available for interested players. Most current Null operations focus on logistics and delivery of manufactured goods to interested alliances and freeports, such as PFR.

While our corporation is focused on industry, our alliance - Anubis Shadow Squad - also partakes in PvP for those looking for a more 'active' capsuleer scene. Our alliance has around a dozen active members who for the most part are all working professionals, so we get you cannot be online all the time. Edgeworld itself only has one member at the moment and wants to help expand alliance operations into null industry.

In addition, our particular corp works out of a C1 with NS static for newer players who want a more releaxed (relatively speaking) wormhole experience with opportunities to venture out into the more risky areas of New Eden. However, large operations remain based out of the C4. Transit between the two is fairy simple as our alliance uses Siggy to share wormhole access intel.

Interested capsuleers should send us an application (APIs only needed for members granted equipment/station access) if they are interested in doing more relaxed industry work far away from the crowded markets of empire space. We are also looking to pursue having our own sovereign space someday so we can open our own freeport. Team speak and private chat information is provided to members up acceptance.

Our public channel: Edgeworld Public

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-08-19 09:54:13
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