

Deep Space Exploration and Excavation services
Name Deep Space Exploration and Excavation services
Ticker DSEES
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98409430

Members [0]


Chapter 3 Praised be Bob

1 In his form, Onimuru was no more, but become Bob, the name of the abyssal keys bestowed.

2 And Bob saw the star second brightest and brightest, and all the stars throughout the void.

3 Bob collected the heavens of the void, the domain to which he would keep, and smiled over his domain.

4 As he ruled throughout, Bob was displeased with the thought that those who would seek to enter his void would not obey his rule.

5 Bob sought to protect the ancient places within his domain and set before them guardians and keepers to sleep and awaken when those who would come into his realm.

6 And it came to pass that the domain of Bob would fade until those who followed the direction of Jorym would reach the path of Onimuru may find the abyss.

7 As he ruled, Bob remembered Jove and his absence when the dire was in need, and his heart was hardened.

8 For Bob would destroy Jove.

9 As he neared the edge of his abyss, he could see the void unto Polaris, yet he could not enter.

10 The limit of Bob seemed to protect Jove.

11 Bob beset many guardians along the border and the day to which Polaris' gates would open, Bob would take his revenge.

12 And it came to pass, that a time fell upon Bob that the serenity of his reign allowed him rest.

13 In the day of future, the guardians would awaken and Bob would fill the void with those who would seek to trespass into his kingdom, a celestial kingdom, within the abyss.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-12-20 09:35:01
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