

In Nuggets we Trust
Name In Nuggets we Trust
Ticker .BUDZ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98410941

Members [0]


In Nuggets we Trust is a corporation devoted to consistent growth amongst its members. Growth being guaged by profitability and the entertainment value involved in our cooperative efforts.

Currently we are operating as a High Sec entity , PvE being our focus (Wormhole daytrips , SOE missions, etc... as well as ship production being our means of iskmaking.)

We are seeking individuals who want to have fun and arent obcessed with Killboards. If every kill has 200 dudes on it, why are you bragging. That sort of thing.

We will be moving into wormspace after several months of logistics and recruiting. Until then we will be focused entirely on getting numbers up and teaching newer players to fill the roles they wish in fleet both PvP and PvE.

We are looking for :
- Bittervets not obscessed with the blob
- Newer Players wishing to learn cheap fast paced PvP with a focus on covert operations
- Miners
- LvL 4+ mission runners
- Explorers
- Researchers
- Haulers

*5+ mil SP min required
*Voice Comms required

We offer:
- Experienced leadership (11+ years experience)
- No drama atmosphere
- Guidance on Skills, PvE , Fits etc.....
- Leadership Positions available
- Extensive FC and PvP experienced membership

If you are an oldhead who is tired of drama and just wants visuals and companionship, or if you are a newb ( within reason) we are more than happy to help you find a new niche and help make it as invigorating as is possible.

if interested send Natya Alekscyev a mail to be invited to our recruitment channel.

Kill Fast , Die Slow

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-03-19 08:10:30
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