

Valiant Defenders
Name Valiant Defenders
Ticker VAD3R
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98412192

Members [0]


Valiant Defenders Is a small, relaxed, social corporation, where pilots can meet new friends, explore new
experiences and create great opportunities. We are currently recruiting pilots from all walks of the eve universe of all races and types to join in on our operations, help build our community and bolster our ranks.

Our core activities include Missions & Exploration. Although we are not limited to activities and
generally participate in all manners of eve activies to provide a well rounded experience.

We offer the following to corp members:

- 10% Tax Rate.
- Small and large PVE/Mining Ops
- New-Pilot Friendly.
- Help & Advice on game and fits.
- Small fee for transport of your stuff to HQ

Memebers are required to check the Bulletins weekly for any changing rules/regulations.

Contact The Following Founders:

Kennen Kurvora Madigan Kurvora

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-02-03 11:21:20
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