

AeroFrontier BioSystems
Name AeroFrontier BioSystems
Ticker AEROF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98415454

Members [0]


AeroFrontier BioSystems is a Mining/Industrial corporation with a home in Immensea, and we're looking for people from all over EVE with all levels of experience!

-What we offer-

-Experienced players
-Friendly corporation/alliance environment
-Weekly corp mining ops
-POS in system set up with many different things
-ORE buyback
-100% relaxed environment, no schedule to meet!

-What we need!-

-JF/F pilots
-People who use Teamspeak
-Active players

If you are interested in joining our corporation, join our Corp channel! AFBS Lounge and Recruitment, or talk to one of our recruiters! Aurora Rosati Jay Vittori Legion Lvyoit. If none are online at the time, send in an app with a FULL API, as well as times you are usually online so we can talk to you.

P.S. We are looking for Corporations and/or Alliances to make contracts with, whether it be ammo, guns, ships, parts, or fuel. If you are interested, please contact either Aurora Rosati or Legion Lvyoit and we'll see if anything can be set up!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-01-15 10:19:45
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API J:22 Feb 04:57 K:22 Feb 04:43 C:22 Feb 04:01 A:22 Feb 05:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 04:58 S:22 Feb 04:34 W:22 Feb 04:15