

Final Transmissions Inc.
Name Final Transmissions Inc.
Ticker FTRNS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://We have no homepage yet....
Tax Rate 1.5%
corporationID 98420646

Members [0]


Final Transmissions Inc.

Final Transmissions Inc. is a corp dedicated to mining, exploration and just roams. We mainly operate in Hi-Sec space but also operate in WH space too.

What you get is...

A friendly community and environment
Frequent events and roams
Free ship insurance on all ships below 30M, above that may still get insured.
A role-type corp (most players will get roles, but this is a privelige that can be removed.)
And much more!

What we want...
Somewhat active
Have a sense of humor
And anything that isn't here that seems like it should be here.

Comms are not needed, in fact we don't use them. Don't question it.

Corp mail is open to anyone, in fact post anything there (but don't go posting crap in the mail... like one of you are going to)

If you feel anything has to be changed, feel free to EVEmail me. I will never ever kick anyone for sending a message that things need to be changed, no matter how much anger is in there.

There will be wars we will fight time to time, on mostly mining corps. These should be easy as long as you bring a well-fitted catalyst, if you're too poor I'll provide them.

Trial accounts ARE accepted, too.

If you'd like to join us start a chat or PM Scott Kerman. Same for diplo matters (for now at least)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-11-13 08:50:09
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