

Event Horizon Financial Liberation Group
Name Event Horizon Financial Liberation Group
Ticker PDBWU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0.1%
corporationID 98420911

Members [0]


Greetings! Likely if you are reading this, you've just discovered your corporation has a war dec against it or I've otherwise offered my services! Either way, there's likely shooting involved. I know, we're excited too! Right now you likely have questions. How did I get so lucky? What happens now? Are we all going to die? Just relax, your client information packet is likely already on the way with easy to follow instructions. To kick it off though, here are a few keypoints to remember:

1. It's not personal! (Well, maybe.)
2. They're just space pixels. That said, we can help you save them!
3. Wars can be fun if you let them! EVE is just a game and there are a lot of ways to play. Step outside your comfort zone and enjoy it. DON'T SPEND A WEEK SHIP SPINNING!!

We offer war time consulting, both terrorism and counter-terrorism services, and in corp training. Other needs are always open for discussion.

Customer Testimonials:
Destinies Ore Extraction's and Refining

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-02-17 08:03:13
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API J:19 Feb 20:57 K:19 Feb 20:43 C:19 Feb 21:25 A:19 Feb 21:22 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:19 Feb 21:19 S:19 Feb 20:32 W:19 Feb 21:15