

Ursa Majoris
Name Ursa Majoris
Ticker URSA.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98435454

Members [0]


Welcome, suckers, to the information tab of Ursa Majoris.

Returning to New Eden after a three year hiatus, the pilots of Ursa Majoris are seeking to reclaim ther reputation for a corp built on solid organisation, strategic vision, community spirit and good fun.

We are a high-sec based corp with strong focus on both Combat and Industry. We are a NRDS corp, of older players and will never seek conflict. But if you care to bring it to us, we will freakin' pod you and recycle your corpse. We've been war-dec'd before, seriously, we will cut you.

We are allied with Sayshell Corporation and Unbounded Pilots. We are seeking to join or build a High Sec Alliance to combat gankers. For diplomacy please contact Decius Crassus.

What we offer:
> Great community, active on both US and EU timezones. TeamSpeak 3 capacity.
> Relaxed adult atmosphere, but with a clear structure. Yes, we do RL too (apparently!)
> Mining ops with Orca, POS and Haulage support. Regular ops both planned and "Screw it, why not?"
> Industrial focus, voluntary corp quotas, reward scheme for members who contribute.
> L3/4 Mission Runs, Explo and Incursion fleets. Salvage and loot buy-back options.
> New members welcome, both new and old.

What we ask:
> Full API key.
> Don't be an asshole.
> Appease the CEO's poor sense of humour.

Officers: Decius Crassus (CEO), Tsumui (CFO), Kolte Padecain (US PVE), Bunglo (EU PVE), Traslogan Solavun (EU Industry)

Carpe Diem - Sieze the Day.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-10-05 20:44:20
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