

Name C.I.A
Ticker WPFEW
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98440607

Members [0]


Capsuleer . Information . Agency

Business Is Good

"I don't want yes-men around me. I want everyone to tell the truth, even if it costs them their jobs."

"Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders. in eve"

Russians in Eve
The only nice thing a person can say about Russians in Eve is, there the equivalent of a skid mark..

Kill - This Hurt cause they removed the KM from there Board lol

If there is a Always Watching representative in your system, then be very concerned. This means pending trouble for you and your members.

* Contract surveillance and intelligence service both stealth and obvious
* Assassination
* Infiltration
* Corp Theft - short or long term goal
* Disruption - Discord members
* General War Intel - infiltrate give war target locations / Fleets

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-11-08 11:59:53
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API J:21 Mar 02:41 K:21 Mar 02:36 C:21 Mar 03:06 A:21 Mar 03:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 03:05 S:21 Mar 02:41 W:21 Mar 02:15