

Valnath Solutions
Name Valnath Solutions
Ticker VALSO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 3.3%
corporationID 98440985

Members [0]


Valnath Solutions is a new corporation dedicated to helping new players discover and enjoy EVE. We offer many things to help out new players, such as free ships, free skill books, we also offer a replacement program which you will be informed about upon joining the corp.

Feel free to come and ask questions about the corp in our public chat channel! Valnath Solutions

What we do:
* Mission running.
* Mining fleets.
* Providing skill Books.
* Providing ships.
* Provide a ship buyback program.

What we want to be doing in the future:
* Have our own PoS set up in High Sec.
* Have a PoS in a wormhole to provide WH mining.
* Have a vast BPO library for members to take copies of for free.

What kind of people are we looking for?:
* Miners.
* Manufacturers.
* Traders.
* Mission Runners.

* Full API Key.
* Be friendly.
* Have fun!

Offical Diplomats:
Reika Koyomi
Iva Bloodberg

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-09-08 20:28:04
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