

Dreadnaught Dragoons
Name Dreadnaught Dragoons
Ticker DTDS2
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98451905

Members [0]


Dreadnaught Dragoons is looking for new recruits!

We are wanting to find a spot in wormhole space and set up a Citadel that we can manufacture and do trade from. In order to accomplish this we will need a wind range of pilots that are skilled in particular areas. If you feel you have what it takes please apply and we will get you set up with what you need to accomplish this goal.

What we need most at the moment is:

1) Experienced Explorers.

2) Experienced Combat Fighters.

3) Experienced Miners.

We are mostly US Eastern time zone, although all are welcome. We use Discord for communications during events, so please make sure you have it as well as a mic and headset.

If interested contact Domynyon, Lin Fett or Titan Swiftmind

Or find us on Dreadnaught Recruiting Channel

API Check Required

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-12-26 08:32:21
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