

The Dark Crusade Of The Scourge
Name The Dark Crusade Of The Scourge
Ticker SCGE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 20%
corporationID 98460615

Members [0]


We were born in he shadows of New Eden,
cast aside by many...
but in the shadows we grow.
in the darkness we empower ourselves, waiting for our moment, watching. as the galaxy grows more unstable we will rise! out of the shadows we will carve out a home in new eden establishing The Srourge as a mighty influence in this vast space, destroying all who might seek to end our vision! I ask you my brothers and sisters will you rise with us in this dark crusade!?

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-05-25 10:49:27
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API J:12 Feb 07:35 K:12 Feb 07:31 C:12 Feb 08:20 A:12 Feb 07:52 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:12 Feb 07:47 S:12 Feb 07:26 W:12 Feb 07:15