

The Corporate Raiders Suck
Name The Corporate Raiders Suck
Ticker ZED Z
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98466754

Members [0]


Stars that don't shine
Swords that don't glisten
You're free to not whine
You're free to shut the fuck up!

This corp is a generic high-low corp that doesn't do much or go anywhere, we're stable though and can provide active members with a fun experience of playing the game, accepting any player with a pulse, a microphone. and a bit of bravery.

Diplo/Stuff like that contact Zed Zul'kan
For Recruitment mail Zed Zul'kan

For Chit Chat, Diplo stuff and all of that junk Zed Zul'Kan Chat
For Shitposts go to
if you are unhappy with anything our corp or our members do either
A) Post on Reddit.
B) Wardec us.
C) Cry in the corner.
D) Send a mail and a bottle of tears for review from a internationally acclaimed tasting panel.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-10-21 08:03:24
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