

Beyond New Frontier Academy
Name Beyond New Frontier Academy
Ticker BNF-A
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98481721

Members [0]


First of all we in BNF-A would like to welcome you to EVE-ONLINE !

This corp is a Sponord by our sister corp Beyond New Frontier with Old vetereans and highly exerianced players that would like to use there knowlage helping this corp grow and become a good starting point in your career in eve online.

Why should you join us ? (if the above one wasent good enough....?)

We train new players and help them grow in each area thay like to work in. mainly this are put into 3 groups :

Mining and production
Combat \ PVP

When you join BNF-A you pick one of this groups you like to try BNF-A will then give you a starter package that has a few very importan Skillbooks and some ships that can get you started in your area of choice and can then start your journay !

This game is very advanced in many ways and lots of things to learn, our goal as corp leaders in this corp is to try and make you abit less "overwhelming" and lose focus on what you train and not waste time on skilling things that arent that importan on your early stage, we like you to be able to maximize the power you can sqeez out of each of the ships you fly.

EVERY weekend we team up with our sponsors and make a massive big fleet for weekend fun toghter as one big game communety. (Usealy Sunday)

This is a school like any other schools, we train ppl, but there comes a limit to all of you and what we can learn you, and teach you and at one point we need to let our children leave there nest,and flaps there wings and go out on there own bigger adventure that lie ahead, when thay do, we will offer each our corp members to join one of our sponsord corps working deep deep inside and behnid heavy forrest,rain, dark mines of flames, waste land, cold dark planets. where there are deadly npc rats roaming and patroling there Ore belts and moons around in our space.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-01-27 20:24:32
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