

Alpha Draconis Reptilian Expedition Fleet
Name Alpha Draconis Reptilian Expedition Fleet
Ticker ADREF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98495026

Members [0]


Wormhole Weapons does not make peace,people make peace and wormhole weapons cause total armageddon.

we are reptilians,we have komodo dragon heads,long tails,long claws and we love spaceships, based out in aridia and genesis.

what we do?
-mine asteroids
- do data/relic sites examination and salage
- cleaning up hostilies in anomalies,combat sites,asteroid belts
- we do wormhole expeditions to explode in wormhole space.
- wee dont hunt,we let food come to our saucer.

things we dont like and not tolerating
-pracy and ransoming
-scamming and extorting
-can flipping because its bad
-suicide ganking.

Aridia song of love.
ye ye ho ho ho ye ye ho ho ho
we came in peace,we came with love
we like to talk,we like to walk,we love cars
we like the aridia its so cool space
yo yo he he he yo yo
we evaded gatecamp and killed hero tackle
yo yo he he he yo yo
then we jumped keba docked our ships,we needed
to sleep work and drink. we rescued stratios!
lo lo he he he lo lo he

Story of Orca loss.

-Adam Tengu what really happened to your Orca?
i was in ice belt in system tolle. collecting cie from mining barges and exhumers.

-what was time?
around 15;10

-what you were doing after ice was collected?

i returned to station compressed the ice and turned it back to the owners,they paid me for hauling job,there was notthing wrong with it.

- what you done later?
around 16:38 i was repairing some augmented ice drones after pirate raid attempt.

- any losses?
two of these drones destroyed one of hulks critically damaged,towed back to station.

-what happened to orca?
when our radar operator spotted several ice bergs we reduced our speed from 101ms to 50ms captain telegrapched to engine section order "HALF SPEED AHEAD"

-then she hit ice?
no whe RO spotted ice we slow down we did not see any head-on-collision warning.

we spotted iceberg 30 kilometers away but we had electrical line failure.ship lost all electricity we had to send man down to machinery spaces.

-what job had to do that man?
to give order to engine room "FULL STOP" and port around first iceberg,.

-order was executed?
yes as our ship started to turn but too late when the man returned we told him to return back to engine room with order "FULL REVERSE THRUST" and just before collision we got power back on. we telegraphed FULL REVERSE THRUST then we feeled shock lights flickered three times.

- any damage?
fuel tank,water tank punctured leaks were large. also hull decompression in place.

- time of collision?
around 22;53

- what was happening later?
i went for hull inspection but first telegraphed "FULL STOP"

-then what was next?
we lost 20% of our water reserve and we lost 10% of engine fuel also 30% of atmosphere was lost.

- what was done later?
we sealed bulkheads from damaged section of ship,some junior engineer told that ship can continue t operate and rang to engine room "HALF THRUST AHEAD"

-for how long?
maybe 20 minutes. then engines were stoped for 10 minutes then she went astern for teen minutes.
then was given order to abandon ship. reactor core meltddown in 56 minutes

- how many survived?
all crew and passengers

can you tell what were telegraph orders used?
in ice field - HALF SPEED AHEAD
before collision FULL REVERSE THRUST
during collision with ice FULL STOP.
after collision FULL STOP
after surveying ship junior engineer gave order HALF SPEED AHEAD. for 20 minutes
then FULL STOP for 10 minutes and then HALF REVERSE THRUST for 10 minutes.
attempt to move ship to nearest station HALF THRUST AHEAD for half hour then reactor meltdown warning came in and engines were stopped again to evacuate passengers and nolonger needed crew members. nobody was injured,some engineers stayed in ship.

-what was after evcuation?
engines restarted for half hour and
stopped for last time....,evryone left ship in pods

oca exploded.

-thank you

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-12-22 08:26:11
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