

Heresy Incorporated
Name Heresy Incorporated
Ticker HRSYI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98497982

Members [0]


Closed: 4/8/23 - Thanks everyone!
Check out our discord to see our current ventures!

Heresy Incorporated (Part of the Heresy Gaming Network)
For all your heretic needs!
All our citadels are 2.5% for the public and 1% for our allies!
Please donate if you mine our moons.
We buy all ore and ice (non-compressed) at Jita buy prices.
We buy all other salvage/loot/items at 90% of Jita buy prices.
Please make all contracts to the corporation.
Use to check the BUY price and use youir generated URL as the description to act as a reciept.
Accuracy of buy price will be checked.
Inaccurate contracts will be rejected.
Internal corporation divisions for all play styles!
Currently recruiting all pilots, Alpha and Omega for every job!
Come earn a paycheck and check out our advert for more details!
Heresy Incorporated - Now Hiring!
Diplomacy Contacts: Verum Peto

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2023-04-09 20:39:48
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