

Ruchy Industrial Holdings
Name Ruchy Industrial Holdings
Ticker RUCHY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98505499

Members [0]


This is the holding corporation for the Ruchy Industrial Groups renters' alliance. Locally owned (through equal shares) and operated by those who live and guard our home system.

Ever thought about living and mining in lowsec? It's possible with the offer below.

-Make BILLIONS in lowsec mining 99% safer than normal
-Pick the belts you want (solo pilots will have access to belts assigned to Ruchy Industrial Holdings)
-Local mining supplies market, stocked and competitivly priced with Amarr
-Alliance discounted courier service
-Discounted POCO fees in the area
-Accurate area intel for your safety
-Active security fleets with years of experience
-No pressure to pvp

Available Belts: 24/29

1belt/mo = 200mil/corp
2belts/mo = 350mil/corp
3belts/mo = 500mil/corp
+100mil/mo for each additional belt beyond the first three.
Solo Pilots/mo = 50mil/pilot (designated belts)

Contact Chad Chadley to get started now!


Contact Draven Blaze if you are in need of security on your ops or if you are interested in joining ranks in our security division Ruchy Industrial Security Academy


Contact Maddie Max for courier pricing. High & Lowsec operations. Ruchy Industrial Trade and Freight

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-07-14 19:19:41
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