

Executor Heavy Industries
Name Executor Heavy Industries
Ticker EHIXX
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98511716

Members [0]


Executor Heavy Industries is a friendly group of pilots who would like to teach the ways of making a living in EVE and becoming a vibrant and fun community for players of all worldly locations and professions.

We are currently recruiting!

Who we are looking for:
-Manufacturers and Researchers
-Mission Runners and Ratters
-Cap Builders
-Freighter and Orca Pilots
-Any and all looking to make ISK
-Alphas and returining veterans

What we require:
0 Minimum Skill Points
-A good attitude

What we provide:
Safe high sec mining belts
-Mineral Buyback Program
-Refining, research and manufacturing services
-Corp and Alliance Orca boosted mining ops
-Good Mission running environment
-Low Tax rate of 5 percent
-Rank system
-Ship Replacemant program for corp and alliance ops

If interested contact Bob Huunnuras !

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-05-01 08:01:10
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