

The Kingsman
Name The Kingsman
Ticker TK.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98513913

Members [0]


"Betrayal like beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

A young corp with a mission to build, expand and generally have fun while playing a smidge bit of EVE or a big chunk... whatever suits the players and their play styles.

Mining and Industry are our current areas in which we are working towards developing in with hopes of moving into other sections such as PVP and PVE and maybe even a little warfare here and there when things seem ready and willing.

We would welcome newer players and experience players so that we can teach those who need to be taught and learn from those who we can learn a great deal from.

So if you're looking for a corp to join or just want an intelligent conversation contact one of our members and we shall see what we can do.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-06-15 12:33:02
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