

DSG Academy
Name DSG Academy
Ticker DSGA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98521217

Members [0]


Welcome to the DSG Academy. Our primary focus is to aid and support new pilots as they begin their journey in New Eden. We offer a friendly environment where members can meet other pilots in a similar situation and can share their jounrey and their experiences.

Our Veterans have plenty of experience and are on hand to provide support and answer any questions that may arrise.

Once members complete our tailored training program they are invited to join our primary corporation where they can continue their journey to conquer the stars.

? Friendly and helpful members
? Tailored Trianing programs
? Skill Book sets provided (worth over 10million isk)
? Starter ships provided for corporate Events
? Regular Corporate Events
? Experienced Veterans supporting you
? Hi-Sec based
? English Speaking
? Predominant EU TZ

? Mission Running
? Industry - Mining and Manufacturing
? Small scale PvP Training

? External tools required: TeamSpeak 3 and Telegram
? Full API Required
? Alpha accounts welcome

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-03-27 21:23:11
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API J:23 Feb 02:57 K:23 Feb 02:43 C:23 Feb 02:00 A:23 Feb 03:27 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:23 Feb 02:59 S:23 Feb 02:35 W:23 Feb 03:13