

Olympus Assembly
Name Olympus Assembly
Ticker OLMPS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98523988

Members [0]


Mission Statement:
Olympus Assembly is a small family business oriented around procurement and provision of ore to the market while we progressively make our way researching to improve basic BPO's as well as providing T2 BPC's. We intend to be the best first corporation for all new pilots seeking to make a name for themselves in New Eden.

T2 BPC's available for sale:
Medium Remote Repair Augmentor II Blueprint

Kernite Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Sales are negotiable and will dependent upon the amount of time available to complete the request as well as whether the components will be provided for or not. Contact CEO for more information.

We are generally open to all types of pilots however aggression against other pilots will not be tolerated in hopes to avoid senseless war. Submit an application and provide a reason as to why you want to join. Be ready for an interview.

Corporation Structure:
CEO - enforcerer of corporate policy
Minister of Finance - a policy maker which involves corporate level investments which also includes setting up corporate taxes.
Minister of Defense - responsible for establishing the logistics of providing corporate level security against aggressors
Minister of Internal Affairs - responsible for resolving and establishing the policies regarding internal disputes amongst members of all ranks.

General Members:
Initiate - generally includes new members/alpha pilots with no particular focus.
Indutrialist - pilots with a focus in material procurement, production, research, exploration, and trade.
Security - pilots with a focus in combat missions of all types.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-07-25 20:38:30
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