

Mining Sociopaths Industry
Name Mining Sociopaths Industry
Ticker MSSSI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://coming.soon
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98529618

Members [0]


-The Mining Sociopaths Industry-

Just like the name suggests, we are miners, we are sociopaths, and we are an industry. Which roughly translates to: we do anything, that makes money around here.

What do you specialize in?:
Just like the introduction states, we specialize in:
Industry - Making stuff for profit. (ships, ammor, equip. etc.)
Mining - We mine ore for profit. And I mean the good kind.
Combat(NPC) - We go and clean up anomalies for profit, in high and low secs.
??? - You can suggest anything you want, we can make a division based on it, if you perform well enough, we'll let you lead the division. You can message SubSpecs for that.

How to apply?:
We practically take any kind/type of players, as long as they don't cause too much problems. (For now)
Just click "Apply To Join" button or go here: Mining Sociopaths Industry. Also note, we have a custom Citadel(Station), it's located in Luse. Type in the corp channel for location.

Note, at this point in time, we are a little inactive, due to internal tasks. But still feel free to join.

Website: Coming Soon.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-03-13 12:48:37
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