

Naval Defence Academy
Name Naval Defence Academy
Ticker NLDA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98532848

Members [0]


Naval Defence Academy is a NBSI academy corporation. Join our public channel: Navy-Pub.

Who We Are
We were founded in in 2017 as a place where new pilots could step into nullsec for the first time. Here, pilots that are new to EVE learn about nullsec life, making ISK, and PVP. Our goal is to teach new or returning players about how to live, fight, and survive in nullsec.

We operate out of the North American and European timezone and speak primarily English, although we have players online throughout the day and all over the world. Naval Defence Academy is the sister corporation to Naval Defence Force. We are proud members of Yulai Academy and Legacy Coalition.

Corporation Leadership
- Commanding Officer: William Adtur
- Executive Officer: Ferden Erkkinen
- Diplomatic Officer: Iontoir Breathnach
- Recruiting Officer: Codex Marr

Recruiting New Pilots
If you are a new or returning player looking for a tight community, message us anytime. We are recruiting new players: New Pilot Nullsec Academy.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-09-04 22:11:46
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