

Children of Chrysalis
Name Children of Chrysalis
Ticker .C C.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 12%
corporationID 98536716

Members [0]


The Chrysalis Project was created during the Eugenics War of Earths 23rd century. Creating a genetically engineered race.
The Children of Chrysalis were mentally and physically superior to ordinary men and women. The scientists of Chrysalis desired for their creations to take over Earth.
Most became major political figures (including an African military strongman, a European dictator, an American leader of a separatist movement, and a religious cult leader).
The superhuman men and women begin to battle for power and several of them manage to gain influence. None, more than Khan. At first, Khan began to build an empire, but, after several assassination attempts by fellow supermen and riots of his people, he begins to lose everything.
After Khan felt that he was doomed to be defeated, he begin to power up his Morning Star satellite, designed to destroy the ozone layer and kill all life on earth. Several convinces Khan that it would be better to forge a new life elsewhere, using a stolen DY-100 sleeper ship that he obtained from Area 51. Khan and a large group of the other superhumans leave on the ship in search of a better life.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2019-10-23 20:51:15
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