

Fuschia Fleet
Name Fuschia Fleet
Ticker FUSC-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98540683

Members [0]


Fuschia Fleet opened up on December 14th, 2017. The Founder and original CEO was Chuck Yaegur. During his reign many stupid things happened but it can all really be summed up by the "battle" of G-M5L3. Stupidity ruled the day. He was convinced that he had an invitation to join Goonswarm and, as such, he lied to all of his members. At 04:02 January 18th, 2018 the fleet jumped into G-M5L3. We were instantly hot dropped by a massive fleet, including two titans. Lost that day was a Hel and two Lif's which were carrying 75% of the membership's assets at that time. In the process of joining Goonswarm our glorious leader had also given them full API keys for all members of the Fleet, Genius!

He lasted as CEO another month but was never trusted again. His command lasted for 61 Days, until the 14th of February, 2018.

After Chucks resignation, which had a hasty rage quit feel to it, we had our new glorious leader, Reinhard Frederiksen. He remained in command for 16 days until March 2nd, 2018. He tried to hold things together at this point. But he focused outward, the making of an Alliance. However, once his alliance organization failed, he had a argument with the directors. It was at this time that he tried to remove Michael Abednego from his directorship under the guise of a two week vacation for dissension. This failed and led to a small mutiny in which Reinhard departed the fleet.

After Reinhard's resignation 5mm Peter was given the mantle of command. Let us not mince words, there was but two choices. When Michael Abednego suggested Vamond Palmateo, Reinhard picked Peter, and we made the most of it.

On the first night there was a discussion with all of the stockholders. Chuck Yaegur demanded dictatorial control of the Fleet. He was summarily dismissed. We then moved to setup the Fleet with myself, Vamond and Michael having equal shares and control.

While we did have some bumps in the road, Fuschia Fleet grew and thrived. But after 5 months of doing things our own way, we decided that it was time to move on to bigger and better pastures.

We have, almost to a man, moved to Stellar Masons where we have more family to live our EvE life with.

This has been the true story of Fuschia Fleet. Yes, the name is spelled wrong. Tell me something I don't know.

Thank you,

5mm Peter

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-08-16 20:25:47
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