

Germany Absinth
Name Germany Absinth
Ticker GERAH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0.5%
corporationID 98546556

Members [0]


Bounty Corp

Uns gehen diese Gateganker in Multibox Modus sowas auf den Sack!

Lasst uns diese Jagen sobald diese Blinken, egal ob Orange oder Rot... das ist unser abschuss Ziel.

Verdächtige = Schiff zerstörung
Kriminelle = Schiff + Ei

Bounty Corp.

These go-go anchors in multibox mode are so on the sack!

Let's hunt these as soon as these flashing, whether orange or red ... that's our shooting goal.

Suspects = ship destruction
Criminals = ship + egg

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-08-01 20:46:38
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API J:27 Feb 07:36 K:27 Feb 07:32 C:27 Feb 08:08 A:27 Feb 08:07 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Feb 08:00 S:27 Feb 07:33 W:27 Feb 07:15