

Two Steps From The Rock
Name Two Steps From The Rock
Ticker TSFHR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98561485

Members [0]


We are the industrial arm of Two Steps From Hell.
Miners / PI artists wanted.
Enquire Within.

Gentleman's Guidelines To Mining

1. There are no rules, only guidelines; - no 'rights', only interests
2. Avoid another bloke's roid
3. You can't 'claim' more than one roid at once
4. Leave some roid for the small fry miners (if there are any.) Don't grief mine peeps if you can help it.
5. If you wanna roidhop, you forfeit any interest in the old roid and the new roid
6. Don't be an jerk. If you try to cockblock roids or mine another guy's roids, you forfeit any interest in roids that you are on. Cockblockers gonna be railroaded.
7. All bets are off if roids need to be mined quickly to get respawn, pre-dt or dt spawn timers ready.
8. Asking for and getting boosts is a courtesy, not a right.
9. The only people who should get gank threats are gankers. Miners Unite! Be excellent to each other.
10. If you can't finish what you are mining, please say so in local. It is a pain leaving a single roid up for hours which screws everyone else's respawn.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2019-10-22 21:05:50
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