

The New Syndicate Logistics
Name The New Syndicate Logistics
Ticker TNSYL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98574621

Members [0]


Google defiance Syndicate as “a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote some common interest.

As an alliance we are looking to maintain a healthy community of gamers, that happen to play this game called Eve together. We in the new syndicate want to create something more, than we could as individuals, or just believe that gaming is better with friends then by yourself. We are mainly miners and PVP’ers, but dabble in just about everything Eve has to offer. We stand by our words and fight for what is ours. If this sounds like something you’re looking for, then together only the future knows what we can accomplish.(edited)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2019-10-23 21:11:40
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