

Department Of Oversight and Compliance
Name Department Of Oversight and Compliance
Ticker D.OC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98609943

Members [0]


The Department of Oversight and Compliance shall be charged with ensuring that all Signatories maintain good legal standing with CONCORD, The Empires, and Planetary Governments

The Department of Oversight and Compliance Must:

I - Have a Department Head appointed and confirmed

II - Coordinate with CONCORD representatives on current requirements for continued operation of Empyrean and Elysian Warclones

III - Utilize available resources to police Signatories, Members, and Departments to ensure legal compliance

IV - Bring to attention any violations first to The Glatisant Tribunal, then to The Pendragon Council and The Warden, then to The Round Table Assembly

IV.I In the event that corrective measures are not taken, it is the responsibility of the department head of the Oversight and Compliance Department to hold an official press conference to inform the cluster at large any missteps taken
The Department of Oversight and Compliance shall be considered to be the First department established

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2019-08-24 20:01:52
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