

Department of Empyrean and Elysian Stewards
Name Department of Empyrean and Elysian Stewards
Ticker D.EES
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98609949

Members [0]


The Department of Empyrean and Elysian Stewards shall be charged with operations relating to maintaining the health and well-being of Signatories, Members, and non-member Warclones placed within their care or custody.

The Department of Empyrean and Elysian Stewards Must:
I Have a Department head appointed and confirmed
II Maintain a supply of vanity clone blanks, or sufficient biomass to construct vanity clone blanks, for the purpose of providing medical and accidental death recovery
III Maintain a supply of combat clone blanks, or sufficient biomass to construct combat clone blanks, for the usage by Recovery Operations and The Department of the Interior
A. Such combat clones may also be used by other departments for projects considered sufficiently hazardous to warrant their usage

IV Maintain medical facilities for the medical treatment of Warclones, Baseliners, and Capsuleers
V Maintain a stock of Medical Supplies necessary for the treatment of cluster-wide ailments
VI Maintain a stock of Medical Supplies specifically designed for treatment of injuries or ailments related to so called “Warlords Era” equipment.
VII Prioritize the Health and Well-Being of Signatories, Members, and Non-Immortals above others
VIII Prioritize the Health and Well-Being of any Warclones who are not members or signatories but are otherwise placed under the care of custody of this department or the Accords as a whole.
IX Maintain facilities necessary to place individuals who are beyond current help into stasis (cryogenic or otherwise) to extend the life of the individual for as long as possible, or until a remedy can be found and implemented

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2019-08-19 20:02:09
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