

What people call love is just a chemical reaction.
Name What people call love is just a chemical reaction.
Ticker WEW..
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98622414

Members [0]


If you dont risk it all, you are just drifting wherever the universe blows you!

This corporation is the sisters corporation of a pvp alliance.
We aim to provide you with contact to eve veterans so you can expand your knowledge about the game and start on the right foot.
We do not have a specific focus for this sister corporation as we believe the only focus they is is enjoying the game
We have a large pannel of eve vets who can provide you with the informations you need to be succefull in eve and in more importantly be succefull in the part of the game your enjoying!
For recruitment contact: Archeras Umangiar

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-02-24 21:37:00
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API J:23 Feb 02:57 K:23 Feb 02:43 C:23 Feb 02:00 A:23 Feb 03:32 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:23 Feb 03:29 S:23 Feb 02:35 W:23 Feb 03:13