

Glorious Kingdom of Kekistan
Name Glorious Kingdom of Kekistan
Ticker GKOK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98633068

Members [0]


More than 147 years ago the normie army attacked the peaceful kingdom of Kekistan after an argument about the country playing loud music and getting all the bitches.
One morning on the 1st of April a letter was recieed from the President of the Normies saying they wished to give up there normie ways and join the LUL brigade and get some thicc women.
The people of Kekistan raised there voice with song thinking that the normies had given up on there blue haired screaching fattys to tap some fine ass but it was a trick!
The disgusting little soyboys on the promise of sniffing some fattys panties attacked the peaceful Kekistanis, the brave kekistanis fought hand to hand in the street covering there womenfolks escape but the normie army with there screech of REEEEEEEEEEEE! finally overpowered the unarmed Kekistanis and butchered them.
Only 1337 kekistani men managed to survive the attack, when the survivors met a pact was formed, the alpha keki's would wait, they would fuck all the screaching, flat chested feminists and birth onto them alpha male kekistanis while the beta soyboy normies watched and paid child support.
And so after a long time, the Kekistanis have arisen, the alpha's are ready to take back there lands, never again will we fall victim to the soyboy tricks, we are anonymooooooose, we iz legions, we do not... ermmm oh yes FORGET, we do not forgive, EXPECT US!

P.S We accept all bribes involving cake.

Corp is open to all Kekistanis from all walks of life be it miners, production, military (For military service you have to have recieved a honerable discharge after the last great meme war.)

Corp follows the same laws and guidelines as the ancient Keki's.
1. Don't fuck with cats, cats are the avatars of Kek.
2. Normies must be destroyed and or converted (ref: Book of Kek Ch 72 vs 12 - Thou shall not suffer the normie to live
3. There are no women on the internet, all women are men and all kids are FBI agents.
4. The bird is the same as or greater than the word.
5. Ok boomer is a valid responce to anything.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-03-18 23:15:04
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