

Ghost Realm Industries
Name Ghost Realm Industries
Ticker GHRI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98641059

Members [0]


Greetings Pilots,

Ghost Realm Industries is an industrial corporation operating in high sec looking for fun, sociable and mature players interested in all aspects of Eve Online and enjoy helping other players.

Ghost Realm Industries offers

* New Player Friendly
* Family & Faction Friendly
* All TZ Welcome
* Mining Ops with Boosts
* Mission Running
* Access to Blueprints
* Buyback Program
* Real Life Comes First Policy - Stuff happens. Need a break, just let us know.
* No Termination Period - If you need to be away for an extend period of time. No worries. You will not be removed from our member roster.

Ghost Realm Industries expects:
* Able to help other players - not hand-hold.
* Able to communicate effectively.
* Be a team-player
* A positive attitude.

Leadership Positions

If you are interested in a leadership position, please let Maeradin know by email with details of your experience. Initially, we would like players interested in a leadership role to have at least 2-3 years of experience in Eve Online and one or more of the following areas:

* Corporation Operation
* Fleet Operations
* Mining & Industry
* Recruiting
* Diplomacy
* Combat/PVP

Every corp member is important to us and has a role to play. Come join us and be a part of the decision making process. Are you up for the challenge? We don't know everything, so let's learn together. What say you?

Ghost Realm Industries is an anti-piracy corporation and has a "Not Red Don't Shoot" (NRDS) Policy.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask. Drop us an eve mail or come chat with us in our public channel: GHRI Public

We look forward to flying with you.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2022-12-11 19:12:42
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