

Pyhra Clade
Name Pyhra Clade
Ticker CLPYR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98644779

Members [0]


"We must learn to live in this bright empire and the empire must make room for us."
Pyhra, Clade Founder

In game channel:


For membership enquiries and general pro-trig chat.

The Triglavian Collective has a complex social structure that is not easy for outsiders to understand on the strength of the limited observations made so far. One important element of the civilization is the so-called 'Clades', which clearly play a vital role in all aspects of the Collective.

The Pyhra Clade seems to be made up of many subclades and appears to be a splinter faction of the collective seeking a path to integration.

The Pyhra Clade apparently exerts itself in the sphere of the training, expansion and incorporation of capsuleers in the use of Triglavian ships, skills and tactics.

The high tax threshold is established as a dedication to the Triglavian way and used solely to fund the effort and provide Triglavian vessels to the members. This is normal in the Collective, where some of the wealth is pooled so all of the Clade can support one another and be ready for war at all times. Another manifestation of this is their deadly use of spider tanking and collective combat techniques.

However, this Clade seems more interested in a defensive posture, seeking diplomatic relationships with neighbours. Do not mistake this for weakness, their combat is as fierce as any Clade.

Note, the Pyhra Clade allows friendly fire, but solely for the aggressive pursuit of fleet training operations. Any clade member needlessly wasting clade resources will be turned upon by the entire clade collective.



Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-07-16 20:01:12
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