

JXA Mining and Industry
Name JXA Mining and Industry
Ticker JXAMI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98651495

Members [0]


Welcome to JXA Mining and Industry!

We are a new corporation with a very experienced leadership team, We are looking for members who are active and share the same goals as the corporation.

New Recruits
- Should possess a minimum of Two (2) million Skill Points.
- Should have a decent understanding of game mechanics including Navigation, Mining, and Ship Fitting.
- Should be actively engaged in corp operations.

Optional but desired:
- Use of Industrial Capitals (Orca; Rorqual)
- One or more Alts
- Use of Barges (Retriever, Covetor, Procurer) and Exhumers (Hulk, Mackinaw, Skiff)

What we offer:
- Ship Replacement Program
- Ore & Loot Buy Back Program
- Experienced Members
- Good Industry Team
- Access To Mission Agents
- Access To Athanor

Recruitment Status: ACTIVE
Recruitment Contacts: Nephilim Ky - Titus Grippus

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-05-21 21:23:02
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